Tag Archives: menu plans

menu plan monday: the week of february 1, 2010

OK, I planned my menu for Menu Plan Monday and went to the grocery store this morning. I was really excited to find whole chickens marked down to $2.75-$3.50 each! I get 2-3 meals out of one chicken, so that’s a really good deal. I stocked up on a bunch of those. They aren’t pastured hens, but…one step at a time. We’ll get there eventually.

Monday: baked salmon fillets, sweet potato home fries, and spinach salad (cooked veggies for Sam instead of salad)

Tuesday: chicken karahi, jasmine rice, salad (cooked veggies for Sam instead of salad)

Wednesday: addictive sweet potato burritos, minus cheese

Thursday: curried split pea soup (in the crock pot), homemade whole wheat bread

Friday: homemade cheeseless pizza with whole wheat crust, salad, bread sticks

Saturday: whole roast turkey, green bean casserole, glazed carrots. I’ve never roasted a whole turkey by myself before, so we’ll see how this goes.

Superbowl Sunday: we’ll likely be at my mom and dad’s house watching the Colts destroy the Saints (they have an HD TV, and we don’t, and while it doesn’t really matter that much to me, it matters to Tim, so…), so I didn’t plan anything for this day.  But, there will be leftovers if we want a turkey sandwich later for for lunch.